Intrapreneurship (employees who think like entrepreneurs) is a very positive trend, that encourages to ignite Innovative minds, inside the company. You really don’t need to start and run your own business to be an entrepreneur (where starting a own business might be a challenge for many). can “Create Businesses for stronger tomorrow” for the organization, being an Intrepreneur. A great opportunity !

Intrapreneurship can only work great, when employer and employees collaborate, in alignment with focused strategies and visionary road maps.

“Employers” should effectively empower employees (just not for the sake of doing it), giving them a decent space to experiment and feed their innovative thought process. This is a challenge at most companies, with absolutely no breather for a resource, even to think through and discuss about it… they are 200% engaged sometimes. At most places, resources are typecast-ed, labelled and restricted for further exploration. This should change for better.

There should be effective operational forums for employees inside the company to periodically discuss, understand and brainstorm on the changes in macro economic environment, technology advancements, competitive advantages and disruptive changes happening at rapid speed.

“Employees” in other hand, got to be self-motivated with a passion to Innovate, taking ownership of their work and “Build tomorrow for the company”. This mind set is very important.

Many of the employees in today’s work environment lags collaborative approaches and integrity. They have to go beyond the “SLA meeting mode” type of work and carry a great passion to bring in an effective change for the organization. The best of collaboration and integrity is very essential here. Practice this and “co-create” wonders. Keep your continuous improvements, value added thoughts and and exploration on active mode always.

These are just my thoughts on embracing Intrapreneurship.. a great opportunity for working force. Please chip in your thoughts as well.

~ Ram Arunachalam
Management Consultant